Carlsbad Republican Women Federated

Welcome to CRWF

Carlsbad Republican Women Federated has a long history of
supporting leaders and promoting the Republican Party!

Carlsbad Republican Women Federated
 Invites you to attend our first meeting in 2025!
Tuesday, January 28
Doors open at 10:30 am - Event begins at 11:00 am

2725 Palomar Airport Road, Carlsbad, CA

CRWF Members (including Spouse and Associate Members): $42
Non-Members: $47

CLICK HERE to make a reservation and select your entree
Reservations must be paid by credit card.
Reservations deadline is 5:00 pm on Thursday, January 23
If you have questions, email [email protected]

At the January 28th meeting, Carlsbad Republican Women (CRWF) welcomes Paula Whitsell, the newly elected Chairwoman of the Republican Party of San Diego County (RPSDC). Whitsell will discuss RPSDC and the Ranked-choice voting system currently implemented in various states, but banned in others! Joining Whitsel is Chris Boyle, the popular OAN conservative commentator and comedian! He will present, “Throw Out Your Pie Pans: Embracing America’s Right Turn!”

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